Thank you for
joining me this evening. We are here to
have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults. The scenario that follows is not intended to
resemble anyone I know. If it does it is
purely coincidental. I hope my
stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the
conversation. With that being said lets
have fun exchanging some words…..
Cougar is a slang term that refers to a woman who seeks sexual relations with considerably younger men. The New York Times states that the women are over the age of 40 and aggressively pursue sexual relations with men in their twenties or thirties. However, the term can also refer to any female who has a male partner
much younger than herself, regardless of age or age difference
Sugar daddy
is a slang term for a man who offers to support a typically younger
woman or man after establishing a relationship that is usually sexual.
Throughout history there have been Sugar Daddies; older men with younger women. Now I'm not saying that in every case the older man was "funding" the relationship, I just wanted to use the title for the blog lol. I'm simply referring to older men with younger women. In the past few year a new term has come up. Cougar... an older woman with a younger man....NICE!
So I ask, ladies could you be a Cougar and if so what is the widest age gap you could/would do? And for the fellows out there, could you be a Sugar Daddy (funding or not?) If so, what is your age limits?
Cougar or Sugar Daddy....could you, would you?
I am in my upper 30's, and I am not into men that are younger than me. I see and interact with attractive younger men everyday, but my preference is older men (within 10 years). Now, if I met a younger man that was mature, had a good head on his shoulders, and was good to me...I might consider it, and that's a strong MIGHT lol. One of my closest friends always seems to end up with younger men, and their immaturity always rears it's ugly head. That is not to say that older men can't be immature or younger men can't be's just my preference. Older men, in my experience have been through more, and just want peace. thing I will say is that younger men seem open to more. Sometimes older men are more set in their ways.
I have never been, am not, and will never be materialistic or a "gold digger", but older men do seem more inclined (in my experience) to want to take care of their woman. It's sexy when you try or offer to pay for something, and that sexy older man looks at you and says "I got it" lol. Makes me think of that scene with Carrie and Big in the first Sex in the City movie when they are looking for apartments, and when the realtor shows them a beautiful Penthouse, Carrie says "Can we afford this?" Big looks at her and goes "I got it"...SEXY lol!!!! Big was older than Carrie and she too was successful with her own money.
After saying ALL of that, I don't see myself ever being a cougar lol. As I get older, that may change.
Well alright then Grownmenonly, you've said a mouthful lol. I think a lot of women like the security of an older man, someone they feel knows how to treat them. Men feel the same way. And...older women are very very sexy.
ReplyDeleteI couldn't do more than 10 to 15 years. I wouldn't want to date a person the same age as my kids. But I guess it would depend on the individual
ReplyDeleteK.D. I agree but I think I could do more than 15 years but I could not date anyone my daughters age. That would be creepy to me. Thanks for your words.