Wednesday, February 25, 2015

February 25, 2015 - Let's talk about Sex

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

       OK ladies and gentleman lets talk about sex, let get down and dirty.  Tell me what you like about sex.  What do you like to do, have done and what about the act that you.....could do without.  Don't be shy SAY IT!!

       Me; I love everything about it.  When it comes to a woman I love the sight of her, the feel of her the smell of her and the taste of her!  There is nothing about sex that I don't like....except when it end too soon (don't act like I'm the only one it has ever happened to).  I like it one on one, two on one four or more...well you get the point.

       So tell me...what do you like?  Lets talk about sex.


  1. I love being penetrated by fingers but especially the penis! Thanks for asking cant't wait until the next time my cavity is filled.

    1. Is that right Anonymous? Do you like all of your cavities filled? Either way thanks for your words.

    2. my dreams will be sweet now! I will have cavity filling dreams GN

  2. no I dont like ALL cavities filled but I don't want to be a killjoy either so I am willing to try anything ONCE (maybe)

    1. Lucky him, that's the way to be. I'm sure your man will appreciate that. Thanks again Anonymous

  3. What I like may seem very boring to most people. I like feeling the weight of a man on me. I'm up for lots of things, but I am turned on most by looking up during sex and seeing and feeling a man on top and inside of me. Things I don't like...too much talking, trying to do too much just for the sake of doing it, and anything more than one-on-one is a turn off. Don't get me wrong, I like to get nasty but I'm not a porn star.

    1. Boring does not matter if you and you man/woman enjoy it. But I love talking dirty lol. Thanks for your words :-)
