Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Is support important? - May 13, 2015

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

        If you don't know now you know....:

Life's poem and the Sex Pages

The Sex Pages II: Sexual Eruption

        Hello everybody, I'm back....  I was away for a few weeks, had to refocus.  I'd lost sight of a few things and needed some time to get back on track.  Now that I am, it's back to the blogs...

       Today the question is how important is support from your significant other?  When I say support I’m talking about when you are working on things that are important to you.  For example…. 
       If you are trying to start a business or some sort is it important to you that your partner help you?  Do you want him or her to ask how things are going, be there when you open/perform / show (or whatever the case may be)?  Or would you rather they just let you tend to your own dreams?
       If you are trying to get back in shape (or back in shape in some cases) would you want them to workout with you, offer words of encouragement or just let you do what you do?
       If you were involved in some kind of activity would you want them to come out to events?  Or would you rather them let you have that as your thing and leave you to it.

       For my I do think it is important to get that support with some things.  For me I like to write. (I have to books available on Amazon people, check them out!!!)  If my partner did not read my books….or check out my blog I would feel some kind of way about that.  Even if they started to read my writings and did not like them I would appreciate the fact that they took the time to attempt to read them and give me their honest opinion.
       So what say you folks???  Is support from your significant other important to you?


  1. Yes I think it is whether it's a eye ear or a helping hand! SUPPORT your partner!

    1. I agree Queen, when you have your partners support everything seems more worthwhile. Thanks for your words Queen.

  2. Support is one of the most important things a partner can offer in a relationship! If you are not supportive how will your significant other know you care ACTIONS SPEAK LOUDER THAN WORDS! (we all know that) However it is also important for a significant to share when they don't feel supported too, so behaviors can be changed if necessary

    1. So true Anonymous, so true. If I know my partner has my back I feel invincible! Gotta love that feeling. Thanks for your words.

  3. Support from your significant other is essential. Without it you are not growing together within the relationship. If my man has a dream or a goal, I am in his corner 100%. In fact if I see him losing focus or slacking in his efforts, I feel that it is my responsibility to encourage him and if need be stay on his ass about it...with love of course. I wouldn't expect any less from him while I'm working towards my dreams. I would be his bigger cheerleader. I also agree with Anonymous. If you don't feel supported, let your partner know. Just like people show love differently, they can also show support differently.

    1. I like the way you think ucandoitbaby. Show that support people, it could mean the difference in them giving up or pushing on. Thanks for your words.
