Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 26, 2014 - Are you surprised?

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..
       There is so much I want to say this evening but can’t and won’t because if I did this blog would be PAGES long.  So I’ll give you a very truncated version and we’ll go from there.

       Are you really surprised by the decision in Ferguson?  I wasn’t.  For many years it’s been shown they don’t really care about US.  And for that reason I urge all the mothers and fathers out there to teach your young men and women that it is more important now than ever before that they need to be mindful of their actions.
       TMZ…REALLY.  Totally disrespectful but at the same time who the fuck are they that we should really care what they think.  All the boycotts and petitions are doing nothing but giving them more power and attention.  Get over it and move on.

       Bill Cosby.  He did that shit lol.  It’s not funny what he did so forgive me for laughing.  It’s just so crazy that the man that was the father figure many grew up on; and the man that berated the youth a few years ago for the way they were behaving was drugging women to get the booty.  Priceless!!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014 - When to let go?

Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

Tonight I want to ask a question I think most all have had to ask themselves at one point or another.  When do you let go?  When is the right time to say enough is enough?

I believe a lot of us get addicted to the pain and hurt bad relationships cause.  We want the situation to work out so bad that we are willing to go through the pain just to try…with the hopes that THIS DAY it will all change.  Today will be the day that he/she sees the light and comes around to what we want them to be.  But for many that day never comes.  So what do we do?  We hold on..keep trying…..stay when we should leave…Why?  I wish I knew.

So I ask.  When do you let go?  When is the right time to say enough is enough?

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

November 12, 2014 - Daughters date

 Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

 Just the thought of this makes me want to scream; but let's play.

You are in line at the grocery store after a long day.  In front of you there are two young guys, early twenties, and one is telling the other about this young girl he deals with.  As you continue to listen he is calling this girl all kind of bitches, whores, sluts and any other derogatory name he can think of.  He tells his friend that the last time he was with her he brought along another friend and they both had sex with her.  He tells him about all the freaky things they did to her and how she loved it.  He then explains what she did to them and how she told him she was down for stuff like this anytime; that's why he was bringing him this time.  All he has to do is provide a place and drinks and she's all in.  The two dudes go through the line all the while paying you no attention and go on their way.   

Once you're done you head home.  It's been a long day and you are just enjoying a relaxed evening with your family when there is a knock at the door.  As you go to answer the door your 17 year old daughter says "that must be my date."  When you open the door it's the young man you saw in the grocery store about an hour ago.  What do you do?

I know I'm wrong BUT...  I beating the crap out of the boy.  Once I'm done with him I'm giving my daughter the ass whipping of a lifetime!

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 4, 2014 - Pushing him away

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

       Ok ladies tonight it's all about you.  I have two things for you to ponder.

       1. Woman always say they want a man that will be caring and loving.  Someone that will treat them nice and talk to them.  Someone that will be open and honest BUT.....  When a guy comes a long and does these things for them they push them away.  Why is that?

       Now I'm not saying that she is suppose to be with any man that comes along but it seems to me that most women say they want these things but they only want them from the person they want them from meaning.....  The guy that just cheated on them, or the guy that won't commit or etc.  These are the men they want these things from and all the other men...well.... whatever.  They don't see the good things in other men because they don't want them.  Why is that?

2. A friend showed me a quote, something she believes.  It goes "When a female is used to getting hurt she won’t know how it feels when a man starts to appreciate her so she ends up pushing him away."  So I ask is this is true....why?  

If you know that he is appreciating you why not take it in, take it slow and appreciate him?  If you KNOW what is going on why not break the cycle?  

So what say you ladies??