Wednesday, November 26, 2014

November 26, 2014 - Are you surprised?

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..
       There is so much I want to say this evening but can’t and won’t because if I did this blog would be PAGES long.  So I’ll give you a very truncated version and we’ll go from there.

       Are you really surprised by the decision in Ferguson?  I wasn’t.  For many years it’s been shown they don’t really care about US.  And for that reason I urge all the mothers and fathers out there to teach your young men and women that it is more important now than ever before that they need to be mindful of their actions.
       TMZ…REALLY.  Totally disrespectful but at the same time who the fuck are they that we should really care what they think.  All the boycotts and petitions are doing nothing but giving them more power and attention.  Get over it and move on.

       Bill Cosby.  He did that shit lol.  It’s not funny what he did so forgive me for laughing.  It’s just so crazy that the man that was the father figure many grew up on; and the man that berated the youth a few years ago for the way they were behaving was drugging women to get the booty.  Priceless!!


  1. Having technical difficulties, so I will keep it short this week lol

    Not surprised by Ferguson, not surprised by TMZ, and yes I think Bill Cosby did it.

    Just because you are rich, famous, and played Cliff Huxtable doesn't put you above drugging, sexually assaulting, or whatever the hell they are saying that he did with those women. Sometimes it's the person you'd least expect

    1. lol...Few words needed adamnshame lol Thanks for your words.

  2. Bill Cosby...where do I begin? I think he did it. When you are put on a pedestal and the world thinks you can do no wrong is the perfect time to pounce. Dummy.

    Ferguson...sad but actions have consequences and they are sometimes deadly.

    TMZ...not surprised. They are all about ratings. If the headline was for a white mayor on crack would black folks really care?

    1. Anonymous it's a shame that the world is such that the horrible is the expected. I just hope people start to learn from all this madness. Thanks for your words.
