Wednesday, November 5, 2014

November 4, 2014 - Pushing him away

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

       Ok ladies tonight it's all about you.  I have two things for you to ponder.

       1. Woman always say they want a man that will be caring and loving.  Someone that will treat them nice and talk to them.  Someone that will be open and honest BUT.....  When a guy comes a long and does these things for them they push them away.  Why is that?

       Now I'm not saying that she is suppose to be with any man that comes along but it seems to me that most women say they want these things but they only want them from the person they want them from meaning.....  The guy that just cheated on them, or the guy that won't commit or etc.  These are the men they want these things from and all the other men...well.... whatever.  They don't see the good things in other men because they don't want them.  Why is that?

2. A friend showed me a quote, something she believes.  It goes "When a female is used to getting hurt she won’t know how it feels when a man starts to appreciate her so she ends up pushing him away."  So I ask is this is true....why?  

If you know that he is appreciating you why not take it in, take it slow and appreciate him?  If you KNOW what is going on why not break the cycle?  

So what say you ladies??



  1. because a lot of us ladies first of all don't know what we want and second of all don't know I self worth and don't even love ourself so if we don't love ourselves how can we expect someone to love us or even know what love looks like

    1. Thank you Sophia. So is there anything us men can do? Thank you for your words.

  2. I think it takes some time for someone whose been hurt to distinguish whether his actions are genuine or not. Her trust and faith in love has been destroyed that any affection or positive reenforcement has her searching for ulterior motives. It shouldn't be that way but the harsh reality is that it is.

    1. The hesitation is understandable but if you know that you are not giving them a fair shot why not change that? Or is it something that you just can't control? Thank you for your words Monica.

  3. You can't let what one asshole did to you affect giving someone else a chance. I know it's easier said than done. If everyone that you encounter is an asshole that hurts you, then you have to look at the common

    If you let what someone else did to you affect you giving a nice guy a chance, then you are giving the asshole the power.

    That being said, it's also about connection. Just because someone is nice and loving doesn't mean that you will connect with them. If you know that you aren't connecting but stick around for the sake of breaking a cycle, then you are just leading the guy on and that isn't fair to him or you.

    I think it's natural for anyone to wonder if someone's intentions are genuine. The "Bait and Switch" is real lol!

    As far as only wanting these things from the cheater or the guy that won't commit...I can't relate. If you do me wrong...I'm done...don't want nothing from you but your absence. If you always find yourself with the guy that hurts you, then you need to look at the common

    1. Please forgive me for some of the redundant comments...I was having some technical difficulties lol

    2. Iliketheniceguy I agree, just because the treat you well does not mean that's where you should be, a connection is very important. I guess I hyat don't understand why some ladies push away good guys knowing that the problem is them and not the guy. In a round about way I guess that's a good thing for the guy. . thanks for your words I like the nice guy.

  4. I think sometimes it is hard for us to change. We get so use to the wrong type of man, because that is who we are attracted to. When a nice guy tries to show me attention and treat me nice, it's not always the type if man I'm attracted too and don't want to feel I'm leading him on.

  5. I hear that a lot Anonymous. And that leads to another question that I might have to ask next week. Do nice guys finish last. Thanks for your words.
