Wednesday, November 19, 2014

November 19, 2014 - When to let go?

Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

Tonight I want to ask a question I think most all have had to ask themselves at one point or another.  When do you let go?  When is the right time to say enough is enough?

I believe a lot of us get addicted to the pain and hurt bad relationships cause.  We want the situation to work out so bad that we are willing to go through the pain just to try…with the hopes that THIS DAY it will all change.  Today will be the day that he/she sees the light and comes around to what we want them to be.  But for many that day never comes.  So what do we do?  We hold on..keep trying…..stay when we should leave…Why?  I wish I knew.

So I ask.  When do you let go?  When is the right time to say enough is enough?


  1. I think that it depends on the people involved and, how much you have invested into the relationship, and what your threshold is.

    For instance, some people may stick around longer if there are children involved. If you had high expectations and thought that someone was "the one", you may stick around longer than you would with someone that you didn't have expectations for.

    Some people may not necessarily be addicted to bad relationships but may stay in one because they don't want to be alone or have to start from scratch with someone new.

    Some people actually love the other person and think that their love for the other person is going to be enough to hold things together.

    I saw a movie where one of the characters said "Sometimes we try to hold together the very things that God is trying to tear apart"

    If there is still love and both parties want to make a effort to make things right...try, but be realistic if you know it's not working. Just because you love one another doesn't mean that you're meant to be.

    1. I'm going to have to admit I'm no good at knowing when to say when lol. Thanks for your words adiosamigo.

  2. Sometimes letting go can be hard. It depends on the situation and circumstances of the relationship. Love can be blinding at times. Oftentimes one will see signs but will totally ignore them because of love or lust. One will endure certain things and make excuses for their mate because they think that the problems an be resolved. Sometimes you just have to cut your losses and let it go. It takes two to make a relationship work and if it is.not working's ok to just be friends. Sometimes it works out better that way.

    1. Well said Anonymous, but sometimes friends just won't work. Thanks for your words.
