Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Crazy..Deranged - April 1, 2015

         Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

       Ok ladies and gentlemen what say you?  Who gets more crazy in a relationship, men or women?


  1. I can only speak for me, but I've done some really crazy shit. But I've had some guys that went straight bizarre. I think we may be equal in the crazy department.

    1. I can't agree about the equal thing Ms. Love. I think woman go looking for things to go crazy about lol. Thanks for your words.

  2. I'll walk away before I go cray cray. I think both can be a little unsteady.

    1. Yeah both can be BUT I think women do a bit more lol. But don't walk away Donchaknow, you might miss all the fun. Thanks for your words.

    2. You would say that because you are a man. But you have men that take it to the extreme.

  3. tracyustedestaloco :-)April 1, 2015 at 9:41 PM

    I don't think that one gender is crazier than the other. It depends on the person and the dynamic with the other person. I have seen both men and women sane in one relationship and crazy in another. What is your opinion?

    1. I do think both can go a little overboard but in my opinion women do a little more. I've heard stories that makes me shake my head. Thanks for your words tracyustedestaloco.

  4. WOMEN. Simply because most of us are crazy anyway. Don't misunderstand me wrong men have their own crazy ways, but in a relationship it is women hands down!!! Most of the time men try to end it by apologizing or moving on in some sense getting past it but WE keep it going. Lol SORRY

    1. Exactly!!!! Well said Anonymous. Someone learned you well. lol. Thanks for your words.

  5. I think women do! Men be so occupied with so many they don't have the time! Lol

    1. I don't agree with the so occupied thing Queen, but I do agree with the thought that women get crazier. lol Thanks for your words.
