Wednesday, August 6, 2014

August 6, 2014 - Does everyone have a price?

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

       Does everyone have a price?  Can everyone be bought? Do you have a price?

       I say yes, yes and yes.  I believe so.  NOW before everyone lose their mind let me say I do believe that everyone has their price but I also believe that there are moral things that will not allow some people to do some things.  In general I don't believe people will do anything they find morally wrong (if they are married, harm a child, break the law, etc).  I also understand that not everyone has the same moral so what I/you won't do the next person might.  I also believe that a PRICE is not always money.

       Let me give you a few scenarios (please stick with the facts that I give).....
       You go an an interview for your dream job.  The money is right, the job is right, it's what you have wanted since FOREVER!  After the interview you don't feel good about the way it went, it was an off day for you.  About a week later Mr./Ms. interviewer calls to tell you that it has come down to you and another person for the job.  After a short conversation the they let you know that if you sleep with them the job is yours.  They insure you that there will be no other repercussions (there won't be), no one else will ever found out (they won't) and this will not every happen again (it won't).  Do you sleep with them for your dream job?

       You go out on a date with a guy/girl that you met.  It is a good date, you enjoy yourself.  You find the person to be attractive but there is something that just does not click.  You decided that you are not interested in a romantic relationship with them.  You tell them that you can be friends and hope they are willing because you can see yourself having a good time hanging out with them.  About a week later they call and ask you out, you say yes.  At dinner they tell you that they are very physically attracted to you and don't think that they are able to be just friends.  They tell you that this will be the last time you two will see each other BUT before they leave they ask if you would be willing to sleep with them just once.  They don't mean to offend you but the attraction is just so strong.  To try and persuade you they offer you $2000.  You say no and they tell you to name your price.  Is there a price?  What is it?

So what say you.....


  1. indecentproposal? :-)August 7, 2014 at 12:43 AM

    For me personally, there is no price in either of these scenarios. I would still have to look at myself in the mirror everyday. Have I ever made wrong choices...yes, but never as a result to a proposition where I was offered something in exchange for something as described in the above scenarios. I would like to think that there is not a price, but in a life or death or life changing situation...who knows?

    1. Indecentproposal I hear you and I understand. I just hope I never have to face either situation lol. Thanks for your words.
