Wednesday, January 28, 2015

January 28, 2014 - What women wish men knew about sex

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

      Ok ladies here's your chance to tell us men what you want us to know.  Time to stop having to worry about if he will know how to please you.  Just tell us!!!

       Tell me what women wish men knew about sex.....


  1. We like quickies too (not every time lol). Every time doesn't have to be a damn marathon lol. When you go down, clit attention is good but explore the whole area. Me personally, I don't like a whole lot of talking. Don't repeatedly ask me if it's good. Too much talking can ruin the mood for me. Don't push my head down...TURN OFF. I will get to that when I get to that...if I choose to get to that. Just because I'm having sex with you doesn't guarantee that I'm giving you head. That's just a few things lol

    1. Ok Doinitwell, I like those tips lol Talking is good sometimes....SOMETIMES! So let me ask. If we want you to go down and you haven't she would ask or just assume it's not going to happen?

      Thanks for your words Doinitwell.

    2. I would prefer to be asked or told (in a sexy & respectable way) rather than having my head pushed down. That's just me. I'm sure that there are plenty of women that are cool with having their heads pushed down.

    3. Very nice, very nice!!!! I hear you doinitwell, and I am taking notes. Thanks again for your words.
