Thursday, September 3, 2015

You Mad or Naw; In your feelings - September 3, 2015

       Thank you for joining me this evening.  We are here to have a little fun, share ideas and talk like adults.  The scenario that follows is not intended to resemble anyone I know.  If it does it is purely coincidental.   I hope my stories/questions are inviting enough that you will join in the conversation.  With that being said lets have fun exchanging some words…..

        If you don't know now you know....:

Life's poem and the Sex Pages

The Sex Pages II: Sexual Eruption   

       No matter how much we are in control of our feelings and emotions there comes a time when we are affected by someone or something they have done.  When that something is something that hurts…. Oh boy! 

       So today I ask…… How do you handle the times when you get in your feelings about someone or something.....

1 comment:

  1. It depends...

    If someone or something gets me in my feelings, and it was something that I brought on myself...then I have to check myself and make better decisions/choices. We are all entitled to make mistakes, but if I keep making choices or the same mistakes that put me in hurtful situations...I am at fault.

    If someone hurt me, but it was not intentional...I would address them and let them know that their actions hurt. If you don't tell them, they may not know. And they can't fix what they don't know is broken. If they don't make any effort or progress to not hurt me in that way again, then I'm done with them. I have unintentionally and unknowingly hurt people before, and when I was made aware I made an effort not to do it again.

    If someone hurts me intentionally...I'm done. I will not subject myself to it again.

    In all of those scenarios I am definitely praying on it, talking to a friend, praying some more, thinking positive...and did I say praying lol. Shoot, for the last few years I have been dealing with constant "in your feelings" situations. I have checked myself where needed, and for those things that are not my doing...I have placed them at the Lord's feet.
